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How To Get More Video Views On YouTube

Are your videos lacking views on YouTube?

Do you wish there was a way to get your YouTube video noticed and increase you view count dramatically?

If you answered yes, to both questions, then I can help you. There is one simple trick that will bring your video from nowhere to the front page. Before I get into that, you have to apply video optimization to your videos.

YouTube is like a search engine, ironically owned by Google. Getting on the front page of YouTube is a lot easier to get, than on the front page of any search engine. Why is that? Easy, not too many people know how to video optimize correctly. Like SEO, optimizing your videos is a formula, and if you apply it correctly, you will see a big difference.

There are 4 key elements to optimizing your videos for YouTube, or any other video sharing website. Moreover, this may not work for all video sharing websites, this is primarily for YouTube.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is so important, to gain maximum exposure. If you are not using the keywords or terms that viewers are searching for, then, your video won’t go anywhere. You need to know, what people are searching for, what the keywords and phrases being used.

YouTube has a great feature where you can type in keywords and it will supply you a list of the most used keywords regarding that specific word. For instance, if you type in “WordPress”, YouTube will generate several top keywords with the word “WordPress” in it.

You can also use Google’s AdWords Keyword Tool to get more keywords. You can also go to other YouTube videos, and see what keywords they are using for their videos.

Title of Video

The title of your video will determine how it is ranked in the search results. Your title should have your most important keyword and be relevant to your video content. Don’t have keywords in your title that are not in your video, or it will be flagged and deleted.

If you use your keywords first in the title, it will boost your video rankings. YouTube seems to favor keywords that are near the beginning of the title sequence. For instance, if you are making a video about “How to Make Money with Your Blog”, then you would want your title to be, “Make Money Online with Your WordPress Blog”.

In the example above, “make money online” is your primary keywords/phrase, and “WordPress” and “blog” are your secondary keywords. As you might have noticed, my primary keywords/phrase is at the beginning of the title tag, making your video more relevant.

Description of Video

The description of your video also plays a role in how your video is ranked on YouTube. When making the description of your video, make sure you are as descriptive as possible, and don’t forget to add your keywords and phrase.

Like the title tag, YouTube will rank you higher if your primary keywords/phrase is at the beginning of your video description. A word of caution, do not repeat your keywords, just mention the primary and secondary keywords once. If you overuse, that is keyword stuffing, and a good way to get your video deleted or your account suspended.

Don’t forget you add your website’s URL, and any of your social media urls too. Even though YouTube is nofollow, and won’t help your search engine rankings, but it will deliver a exceptional large click through to view rate. Another thing to mention is that a lot of other websites take your YouTube videos and your information. I am not talking about embedding your videos. People will actually take your video, title and description and put it on their website, which may be a dofollow link.

Keyword Tags of Video

Your keyword tags are keywords/phrases that best describes your video. So, you want to come up with as many keywords as you can, but make sure they are related to your video. You can also go to other videos that are similar to yours and see what ones they’re using.

When you are adding keywords as tags, YouTube uses spaces to break the keyword. Meaning, if you add the keywords, make money online, that will count as three different words. For the long tail phrases, use quotes. For example, if you use the keyword phrase, make money online, you want to put them inside quotes, like this, “make money online”. That will make it into a keyword phrase, instead of three keywords.

If someone goes to YouTube search and types in make money online, the keyword phrase will get priority over the three individual words, every time. Why? Because it is an exact keyword phrase, and as long as it’s in your tags, it will get priority over individual ones.

When compiling your keyword/phrase tags, make them individual and long tail phrases. In other words, you want the keywords/phrase tags such as, make money online and “make money online”. Don’t worry about over repeating a keyword or phrase, YouTube strips out repeaters automatically.

That completes video optimizing, have fun with your video endeavors.